My Daughter Went to London & All I Got Was …….

I have a confession to make. I’m a stalker. I stalk yarn shops on all my social media accounts. I love seeing all the different personalities in the shops, all the different locations, all the different yarns, all the different patterns. I already blogged about my trips to Tolt and Churchmouse. I’m so glad I … More My Daughter Went to London & All I Got Was …….

Swifter Knitting

Serious knitters go through quite a bit of yarn and sooner or later they end up buying that yarn in hanks. When this happens there are a few decisions to make. If you are purchasing the hank of yarn at a good yarn store you can get it wound into cakes and be ready to … More Swifter Knitting

Commision Mission

Commission requests from co-workers these past few months have kept me quite busy. An October project requested from our baristas was for bearded Viking hats. Most of the patterns out there are crochet. I’m capable of crochet but not very good or quick. They wanted a total of 3 so I could have designed a … More Commision Mission