It Takes One to Know One

If you believed everything on the internet breaking into the knitting instructor scene is an easy money maker that uses knowledge a knitter already knows to make extra cash. In reality, however, this can take a while and be kind of tricky. Here are some practical tips to make your dream of becoming a knitting … More It Takes One to Know One


I feel the time has come for a new club for knitters. Unfortunately, to be in this club the knitter must be comfortable with the fact that they might be considered “knitting snobs” if they are in it. Why K.A.A.K. ? YouTube, Etsy and all viral social media posts: I Blame You. I blame you … More K.A.A.K.

Where’s the Passion?

WARNING: Facetious Content Ahead. You’ve been warned. If you work in the craft industry or run your own handmade business you will hear the following at least once in your creating lifetime: Person:”Hey, have you seen (insert current viral craft project here)? ” Crafter:”Oh, yes I sure have.” (beginning to wonder where this will lead) Person: … More Where’s the Passion?