Case of the Disappearing Knits

I make a lot of things – most of which I never take pictures of. I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing. I think it’s a sure sign of how frantically I move on to the next project. It happens when I am just having a simple project to keep me … More Case of the Disappearing Knits

Small Seattle Events

At the beginning of 2015 I thought for sure I was going the route of craft fairs to sell my knitted items. The Pacific Northwest is full of wonderfully talented artists that make many unique items. As I started investigating locations for craft fairs I found Facebook groups like: Puget Sound Vendors, Crafters & Event … More Small Seattle Events

Highland Hand Spun

Almost every summer my daughter and I attend local Scottish Highland Games. I’m not sure how I first found out about the events, but once I quickly learned the  Pacific Northwest had a pretty big Scottish community. Each year at the games we watch the dancing, pipes and athletic events. However, one of my favorite things to … More Highland Hand Spun